
San Francisco : My Kind Of Town

There are times in my life that I solely travel to escape. Living in a city made me overwhelmed with breathless sensation sometimes. Leaving town- even for a short period- allowed me to breathe. I could take off the mask that I felt I had to wear in order to keep up with others. And I could be myself. Exploring a new place...

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A Malaysian in Morocco

I guided myself to slither by a throng of people coming in and out of the Marrakech Menara Airport. The torrid heat of the afternoon was not helping- I was sweating profusely and people kept on bumping into me without a bat of an eye.  Great. Fifteen minutes in and Marrakech already treated me like this. Setting out to meet someone in here...

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Road Trip Iceland

I was in the UK when a friend suddenly hit me up on Whatsapp and tell me she is going to Iceland for a few days. I was in a tight schedule to go to NY to meet Kak Rose but decided to tag along. We met in Stansted Airport before landed in Rejkjavik the next day. Iceland is famously known as the...

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