
Road Trip Iceland


I was in the UK when a friend suddenly hit me up on Whatsapp and tell me she is going to Iceland for a few days. I was in a tight schedule to go to NY to meet Kak Rose but decided to tag along.

We met in Stansted Airport before landed in Rejkjavik the next day.

Iceland is famously known as the land of Fire & Ice. It wasn't love at first sight with Iceland the first time I was around. In fact, it was the opposite. I was quite ill with runny nose and high fever- I ended up spending two days completely in bed.

Iceland is a destination that I have experienced profound moments, but I still feel I was barely aware within its borders. It has quickly become my favourite country and I always yearn to return whenever I have the chance. 

S & I were off to a great start- our exploration days on the road around the Ring Circle were filled with majestic, soul-awakening moments. The snow-capped mountain and the white vast land welcomed us with warmth even the temperature was way below zero degrees. We followed our impulses down unmarked roads, scurrying through the Black Sand Beach like a pair of six-year old in pure solitude. We even managed to slept in the car when the cabins or the hostels were full and we have no option other than to sleep in the four-seated compact car. We braved the snowstorm in the middle of nowhere to pray- I was sure that I caught gangrene on my digits but I could be wrong. 

"This country has never cease to amaze me, y'know."

I felt what S is saying- we practically spent half of the day arguing in the car with maps splayed out on the dashboard in Icelandic, deciding on where to go and searching for a better place to camp out for the night. We noticed it was incredibly easy to see picturesque landscapes. You can drive anywhere in this land with expectations to find at least one huge waterfall, small lakes, massive ice blocks on the beach and of course, meet a lot of friendly locals and fellow travellers.

I embraced these moments as I rarely do back in Egypt- my life in medicine. I was fully engaged with the nature as I was attempting to preserve the feelings somewhere deeper than even pictures are capable of reaching. 

"Do you think this is what heaven looks like?"

I laughed. "Yeah, if you count on those bloody winds that kept pushing us off the road, or the sudden weather change in seconds."

We were once stranded in a massive snowstorm for a few hours and our car was trapped in five-inches snow- we had to shove it off. We were literally knocked upside down when we were trying to carry our bags with our gears to chase the Northern Lights.

Yeah, S. I guess it was heaven for you.

For many months after returning home, I was often reminiscing the moments back in Iceland. S kept messaging me or emailing me to get back on the road again. In those two and half weeks spent there, I realized that roadtrips truly are my favourite way to travel. Exploring a place by car is my definition of freedom. There are no deadlines, I can drive all day, stop and sleep wherever I want. I get to see so many different place in short amount of time with no hassle. 

"Do you want a repeat?"

I chuckled, enough to be heard on the phone. "You still gotta ask? Seriously?"

"Okay. See you when I see you, babe."  


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