
Egyptian Museum : Where the Ancient History Resides

It was an uneventful morning, or so we thought. We woke up to the hustle and bustle streets along the Tahrir Square. Even though our room was in the sixth floor, we could clearly heard the loud honks of any vehicles and the lively morning chatters of vendors in Downtown Cairo. Cairo is a living, breathing modern city. I was annoyed to say...

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Improving My ASL Skill

If you want to study a new language or gain a new skill without forking out the money to attend classes, you just need to open up your laptop and clicked on Google Chrome icon and start Googling.  I haven't taken a French or German class but I've managed to pick up the basics of it through my learning from the Internet and...

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San Francisco : My Kind Of Town

There are times in my life that I solely travel to escape. Living in a city made me overwhelmed with breathless sensation sometimes. Leaving town- even for a short period- allowed me to breathe. I could take off the mask that I felt I had to wear in order to keep up with others. And I could be myself. Exploring a new place...

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A Malaysian in Morocco

I guided myself to slither by a throng of people coming in and out of the Marrakech Menara Airport. The torrid heat of the afternoon was not helping- I was sweating profusely and people kept on bumping into me without a bat of an eye.  Great. Fifteen minutes in and Marrakech already treated me like this. Setting out to meet someone in here...

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Road Trip Iceland

I was in the UK when a friend suddenly hit me up on Whatsapp and tell me she is going to Iceland for a few days. I was in a tight schedule to go to NY to meet Kak Rose but decided to tag along. We met in Stansted Airport before landed in Rejkjavik the next day. Iceland is famously known as the...

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The Other Voice On The Other Side

I kept hearing her, especially during midnight.  "Who are you?" I kept asking the same question, but all I could hear was a small chuckle on the other end. She's mocking me- that was my thought everytime. But then, on one windy night while I was reading Haruki Murakami's latest book under the night lamp, the voice rang again. "Hi."  That was all...

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A Year Later

It's been a year. Wow. How time flies. I think about you almost every single day.  I wonder what would happen if you were still here- what my life would be like with you in it causing chaos and happiness in the same time. I wonder what would you say to me if you can see me now. I imagine all of the...

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Should I or Shouldn't I?

I wasn't planning on getting serious to write. I had been told that my writing is quite good but I did not think for a second that it was good enough to be publish. A friend of mine told me today that if I were to publish a book, she will be the first to read it.  "Trust me, you can write. Just...

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Cairo to Luxor by Night Train

"Are you sure?" Uja nodded. "Kinda. We've got no other choice, babe." I sighed slowly. "It's gonna be more than fourteen hours."  Uja nodded again. "Fine by me." Uja bought our tickets using her HSBC debit card for night express trains at Egyptian National Railways website. By using this website, travellers need to book the seats at least two weeks before departure. This...

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