
Dragon House Restaurant, Maadi


Summer is right around the corner. It's known to get hot- very hot, as in sticky, steaming, sizzling- in Cairo. But that doesn't stop us in trying the Dim Sum that was quite famous in the area. 

The culinary scene in Cairo is quite advanced and won't disappoint cosmopolitan foodies. There is a wide range of cuisine to choose from, starting from the typical street foods like falafel & takmiyah to sophisticated chef-oriented restaurants from different origins. 

This time, we opted from Oriental origin.

"I heard that our classmates had been in a Dim Sum restaurant in Maadi a few days ago."

"We should be heading there now."

"Dim Sum sounds freaking good right now."

But Dim Sum is a tricky treat. With roughly a large number of Chinese restaurants in the Pharaoh City- and plenty clustered around attractions- it's important to know where top-quality options can be found. 

Hello, Dragon House Restaurant.

The Maadi area, is known for its gastronomic offerings, hence the restaurant. Conveniently located near the metro station, we only need to walk for a few minutes before ascending the stairs inside a building to enter the authentic Chinese restaurant, complete with customary red lights and lanterns.

The restaurant is very near to NOLA Cupcakes and there's lots of paintings hangs above the wood paneled walls, giving an unique atmosphere to our dining experience. The crowd is quite diverse and the place has a mixed Egyptian-Chinese vibe into it.

"Hi, we would like four servings of fried wanton and two bowls of dim sum."

The waiter waited with small smile on his face as each of us ordered the foods, the amount was quite substantial. Our expectations of this restaurant didn't surpass the reviews that we've heard from our friends so it was quite disappointing.

We ate in comfortable environment, enjoying each other with jokes and riddles. Dinie captured our images in his camera while Iswari, Tipah and Timah entertained him. Lil focused on the foods and I was in my own world, avoiding the foods that has spices in it. Syalla scrolled her Facebook pages looking for the news while struggling with chop-sticks.

"I think this is not the place, right?" Iswari asked suddenly. Most of us shrugged while continuing shoving foods into our mouths. Trust me, we looked like a bunch of savages right then.

Hours passed by and it was quite late. 

"We should go and head home. We still got a long way to go."

But not without a trip to NOLA and photo sessions outside the outlet. 

If you are a food adventurer and want to try some delicious bites, Maadi is a great site that will definitely satisfy your taste buds.

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