
Ain Sukhna : Our Kind Of Escapism


The honk sounded directly before us, startling us as Dinie's laugh can be heard from inside the Avanza. He appeared in front of the street of Raba'ah, making silly sounds as he walked towards us.

"Are you guys excited?"

Tipah and I loaded the trunk with our belongings while Iswari, Timah and Lil chatted him up. Three big plastic bags, seven small backpacks, four water boards and countless sandwich later, we started our roadtrip with carpool karaoke session.

"Come on, sing along!"

They were singing bunch of Indonesian songs that I don't quite recognised but was very popular in Malaysia for a while. Pardon me for not singing along, I don't even know the lyrics, guys.

Two hours and half later, hello Ain Sukhna.

"Hello sea! Long time no see!"

I could tell that every one of us was very excited to be near the sea again. The sea was breathtaking, the path was paved and quite an easy access. There were quite number of families by the time we arrived. Just another day by the seaside.

We prepared a variety of beach snacks : tuna sandwiches, coleslaw, nasi goreng, and even cheese and egg tarts. Iswari and the gang made sure that the foods was plenty on hand as the sun and surf makes everyone hungrier and need more energy.

We also brought our own entertainment to play - charades. We divided the group by two with Syalla being the judge and the timer. The games were hilarious - we even cracked up on the sand because the actions - let's be honest, it was darn funny. But rule number one when we're at the beach : please respect your neighbours.

After playing games and had our stomach filled, it was time to pray and swim.

Nothing ruins a vacation like watching your entire cache of vacation photos sink beneath the crushing waves. Dinie and I brought our Go Pro and together, our summer spirits were up even though it is the spring time in Egypt now. 

Go Pro in hands and strapped on the head, Timah, Tipah, Iswari and Lil got water boards floating under their chests and snorkelling gears covered our eyes, we went off into the sea.

"Thank you for doing this for me, guys."

The rest of my friends nodded happily. They were genuinely happy themselves. They were enjoying this short, impromptu vacation too. The sun is out and we'll be back to pack ourselves once again into the car and head to the beach. 

Our roadtrip video is here!

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