
Dragon House Restaurant, Maadi

Summer is right around the corner. It's known to get hot- very hot, as in sticky, steaming, sizzling- in Cairo. But that doesn't stop us in trying the Dim Sum that was quite famous in the area.  The culinary scene in Cairo is quite advanced and won't disappoint cosmopolitan foodies. There is a wide range of cuisine to choose from, starting from the...

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When Everything Goes Wrong

Hello Internet. It's been a while since my last post. It makes me wondering what I have been doing lately. Actually, a lot of things have been making me upset recently. My best friend is back to her depression state and I can't do anything to help, I kinda lost focus on classes and such. I have a close friend with suicidal thoughts...

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Layover Amsterdam

We had twenty-three hours to kill in Amsterdam before we're back in Cairo. The video is already on Youtube. Stay tuned! ...

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Arctic Adventure Part One : Sweden

Finally, the first part of the trip has been compiled into a simple video, edited by yours truly and now is up and running on YouTube. Enjoy! ...

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Hitting The Nile On The Cruise : Luxor to Aswan

"Welcome to Amwaj." As soon as those greeting left the speakers on the lounge, a whirlwind of Chinese tourists with cameras hanging on the neck and a group of middle-aged Brits with an Egyptian tourist guide began to rush by. I looked to my travel partners, Uja and Carmen and asked somewhat frantically, "Where is the room?" Uja scanned the row of rooms...

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Ain Sukhna : Our Kind Of Escapism

The honk sounded directly before us, startling us as Dinie's laugh can be heard from inside the Avanza. He appeared in front of the street of Raba'ah, making silly sounds as he walked towards us. "Are you guys excited?" Tipah and I loaded the trunk with our belongings while Iswari, Timah and Lil chatted him up. Three big plastic bags, seven small backpacks,...

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Restless in Tromso

I was wide awake by seven in the morning, looking at my friends who were getting ready for their own activities. I was left alone in the cabin, doing my own thing. It was probably after a long journey from Narvik to Tromso by bus and I had to sit uncomfortably at the front row or better yet, an excitement of waking up...

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