
Western Desert : Siwa


The historic town of Siwa located on an isolated oasis situated in Western Desert, fifty-kilometre away from border of Libya. Siwa hold a special appeal to many wanderers on account of its uniqueness, the beauty that was hidden behind.

We were in Siwa for two days, doing what we do best : exploring to the max. 

I loved the feel of slightly warm-but-cold air in Siwa enveloping my body, because it's the weather that I've associated with travelling in Africa's desert during winter. 

As quick as we settled in, it was time to swap the beautiful ferocious beach waves of Seven Colours Sea for rugged experiences in the sand.

Get Around :
- By Bicycle : Our favourite part. Rent a bike & go explore. However, before accepting a bike, check that it is sturdy, the brakes are functioning well & the handle bars are not crooked or bent.

p/s: Handling a bicycle on sand covered streets can be quite a challenge for inexperienced cyclists.

-By mini vehicle : The drivers are mostly young adults. Prices for this mode of transportation are negotiable- just make sure that the prices is clearly agreed before setting off.

What to see:

Siwa Oasis

Shali Fortress

Temple of the Oracle : Built in the sixth century BC, dedicated to Zeus. Many kings were unsuccessful in destroying this temple due to the power of the oracle. This temple was visited by Alexander the Great.

Cleopatra's Pool : A popular swimming hole among the tourists and also the locals. 

Mountain of The Dead : Features large number of rock-cut tombs, mostly dating back to the Ancient Roman and Ancient Egypt periods.

Fatnas Island : Beautiful setting among palm trees and lush greenery. It's also a great place to watch sunset in Siwa.

Travel, for me, is not simply about seeing new places or searching for new experiences with relentless purposes. Instead, it is about getting to know and attempting to understand places, cultures and people that are completely different from those that which I familiar.

Whenever I plan a trip, I like to give myself the flexibility to take any opportunity that might come knocking. For who knows what might happen? What kind of places you might find yourself, what people that you might meet and even associated and what form of experiences that you might have?

Just go and travel anywhere you want to go. 

It is worth the experience. Trust me.

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