
London to New York


"You're gonna go now?"

I gave her a small smile. Farah seemed a bit sad. After almost a week and half staying at her crib in Canterbury, my flight to New York finally came. The duration was eight and half hours flight from Heathrow International Airport to John F. Kennedy International Airport via British Airways and I need to be at Heathrow before noon. 

"Take care babe. See ya at Malaysia, soon I hope."

She smirked. "Of course. Farewell."

I boarded the train to St Pancras, heading towards the main airport. I was embarking on a post-exam backpacking trip and was looking for an adventure somewhere in North America, after visiting Farah in the UK. It was my fifth time in America since I'm currently furthering my studies in Egypt and my visa is expiring soon. 

I took an early morning Southeastern train from the conveniently located Canterbury West, within bus distances from Darwin College. Having arrived a little early, Farah and I took advantage of the view ahead while relaxing on the bench. The weather was windy. After half an hour, I then headed into the station and quickly spotted the train. After boarding, I quietly took my seat and the train went away.

Goodbye Kent. Till we meet again.

The ride to St Pancras is almost an hour which gave me plenty of time to sorted out some things. I hopped on the mobile internet data and started surfing the web for places to see and restaurant to try.

Before I knew it, I arrived at the riveting St Pancras International. People kept bursting through various gates, the smell of coffee and fresh bread lingered in the air. 

After I bought some hot piping coffee and scrumptious croissant for breakfast, I boarded the subway that connecting from London to Heathrow Airport. 

And it took almost an hour to arrived. 

I went through the check-in lounge and waited. Although the time passed by slowly, I listened to my playlists, continued my vigorous research on what to do in the US, snapped perspective shots that I found interesting and enjoyed the relaxation of watching the people go by that only airports can bring.

Arriving in New York in the middle of dead winter with only two layers of clothes, it gave you extreme chills to the core. 

But I was safe and sound.

Waking up in the dark in Kak Rose's guest room (a relative) and piling on all the wooden layers and went for a walk in the eerily silent streets. Walking to Central Park just as pre-dawn glow started to illuminate and sat on the bench as the sun begun to rise. A hot black coffee in hand, I contemplated another visit in the city that never sleeps.

My mobile rang.

"You up for a roadtrip, Mira?"

"Really, Kak Rose? You have to ask me this?" I replied. "Then why would I came all the way here?"

Her laugh roared on the phone. "Fine. Come home. We still got some packing to do."

"Okay. Coming now."

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