
#MyTravelokaEscapade : The Wonders of Nepal I'd Explore if Traveloka Give Me The Chance


I have always want to go to Nepal. Known for the famous world's tallest mountain- Everest Mt, the idyllic views and natural surroundings are absolutely breathtaking. Nepal is located in the Himalayas with Republic of India by the south border and People's Republic of China by the north. Nowadays, the small country has become a mainstream vacation destination especially for adventure junkies and nature lovers. With Nepal's rich history culture, pristine environment and religious influence, one should expect to see numerous monasteries and temples visited by wanderers from all over the world.

If Traveloka approve of my dream to go to Nepal, I would definitely be grateful and I would have the privilage to visit this beautiful country. I would photograph as many as I could and I could share my exciting and humbling travel experience with the world. But, to make things more clear, I should explain how I'd explore Nepal if I won my dream vacation.

Explore Kathmandu, thoroughly

A friend told me that capital Kathmandu packs a hard punch for travellers. Arriving in Thamel is a gratifying shock- streets lined with shops selling colourful clothes, accessories, bags and lots of tea. I already pictured the old-world streets, hustle and bustle of local markets and fascinating architecture is a beautiful and captivating embrace on arrival. 

Hike the famous Annapurna Circuit

The popular trail in Annapurna- winds through colourful patchwork valleys, deep moss-grown forests and clear icy waterfalls. I could admire the spellbinding glimpses of massive mountains and stunning horizons as I begin my trekking from Poon Hill through Annapurna foothills. Ouh, what a view it would be!

Treasuring Pokhara's gems

I was told that Pokhara was filled with delightful activities and explorations. I could try various activities as an adrenaline junkie- ranging from the paragliding cliff, skydiving (I've done this in Dubai, a must-do for everyone!) mountain biking, water-rafting to less extreme activities : having a relax day out on the scenic lake or rent a bike in town. 

Playing with elephant at Chitwan National Park

A bit different from Serengeti National Park that offers great herds of buffalo, giraffes and thousands of eland, impala and Grant's gazelle, Chitwan prompts you into a world of dense fenland, crocodile-infested waters and massive forests containing a diverse selection of wildlife. I better get my inner jungle girl's spirit up because I will enjoy this so much!   

Everest Base Camp

Aside from ABC, the next exciting experience is climbing to Everest Base Camp. To climb the Mt Everest seems impossible for now (it take years to prepare- physically and mentally & cost LOTS of money). The camp lies at an altitude of 5,364 meters and is more of rest points for people looking to climb the world tallest mountain.

Cafe-hunting, anyone?

From the commercial neighbourhood of Thamel to Pokhara, an endless cool-looking old cafes are perfect for travellers that wanted to try the local cuisines or sharing stories and laughs with the locals over coffee breaks. There are rows of beautiful cafe align the mesmerising Lake Phewa in Pokhara- it was also a nice spot to stagnate in the sun and engross in the picturesque scenery. I can already imagined myself enjoying all that, only if Traveloka give me this chance.  

These are among a few activities that I can think of doing if I get the chance to go to Nepal. Nepal is emphatically one of the world's most beguiling countries for the adventure wanderers, and that what makes me more determined to explore : there is no doubt it will be an amazing worthwhile experience. 

Hope to see ya, Nepal!

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