
Kungsleden Trail, Abisko


It was sensory overload the first time our Arctic Circle train came to a stop in Abisko, a small town with a breathtaking view of the snow blanketed the town and their surrounding nature. 

I took my green backpack along with my other belongings, waiting for my crew to join me. I spotted Abisko Turistation STF from my spot, and took rest beside a trail of bronzed statues. It was the third day of our journey and my third time in Abisko. My ears rang with extremely cool wind and the hustle and bustle of my surrounding - people (read : tourists) were chatting while carrying their things, cameras hanging on their necks with some children in tow behind. The accomodation was only a hundred-meter away and I was relieved to see that everything went smoothly. The sun shone on the sky but the weather was still very cold.

I picked myself up from where I sat and head together with my friends to the hotel. Abisko is one of the town that didn't have any hostels, the nearest would be in Kiruna. I made reservation at the hotel that I used to stay once upon a time, but this time we didn't get the cabin, we only got dorms. 

It's been four years since the last time I was here. I'd been in Cairo for almost six years now and found myself gallivanting around the world while managing my university life. I always questioned whether or not it was a privileged notion that travel could cure you of some rat race. 

My dad once said, "Travel is a way of pilgrim, you know."

It only seemed fitting. In Abisko, I saw different kind of people, came from different backgrounds but there is a layer underneath all that - purpose. We might come for the same purpose or we may not be heading in the same direction. 

"Hey, I was thinking of going hiking at Kungsleden Trail. Wanna come?"

That evening, the sun broke across the thick layer of clouds across the mountain. I drank my hot water from the tap, strapped on a pair of light brown boots and took out my winter coat. Sofe and Mira along with Kak Maya and Dinie were discussing while hovered over a map and Lil was busy preparing herself for the hike. 

They pointed over the train station, right down below the rail after the tunnel. "That's where we're going."

I looked over from their shoulder and saw their plan. The trail didn't undergo any transformation, it was the same exactly years ago except for the weather - I came during summer for midnight sun season.

We started the hike with small talks. Kak Maya was right beside me, talking animatedly while playing with snow. "I don't think that this was going to be fun," She said. "But clearly I was wrong."

I smiled. When I looked ahead, I can't really see the mountain surround the trail because of the heavy snowstorm. We hiked in subzero temperature, it easily hit -20 degrees. The incline was steep but I push myself forward despite of my heart was beating very fast. I had cold and I was down with fever but being a stubborn girl I am, I marched on.

Downhill and through dense woods, my toes pressed against my sturdy brown boots but I did not stop. The five-inches snow felt good beneath my feet. I looked in front towards my companions.

Dinie was photographing the nature while Lil was making silly faces in front of his camera. Sofe was focused listening to what Mira had to say and Kak Maya stood here and there, modeling for Dinie's camera. 

There were exceptional views in every direction : just ahead of us, smaller peaks, various small trails and in the distance, majestic mountains. It didn't take long before the trail headed towards boulder formations that were part of the backdrop at the beginning of our hike were right in front of us. And after a few short, steep stepbacks with some loose footing, the route gave way to amazing view of frozen lake and a series of huge boulders that stacked together along the way of the lake. 

We hiked ahead until we scrambled upon an amazing clearing, welcoming us to the more spectacular view of our surrounding. We decided to took a commemorate picture of our first hike of the day here, behind the frozen lake and massive mountain on the back.

For hikers wanting to experience raw adventure and avoid crowds, the Kungsleden Trail at Abisko National Park of Abisko is one of the most enjoyable and epic treks. Spectacular geology and out-of-this-world views are the calling cards to this incredible place.

"We can hike ahead, the trail ran for many miles."

Every step we took, unbelievable panoramas unfold right before our eyes. 

"This is way too beautiful." Sofe chimed in.

"Just like a winter wonderland, huh."

The rest agreed with my words, we were indeed in the winter wonderland. Abisko National Park (specifically Kungsleden trail) should be included in every adventurer's buckets list, the trail is easily one of the best ways to experience the raw and unspoiled glory of this most magnificent nature. 

My nomadic heart was baffled at the sight of the beaut, believing that I had made the right decision of coming back here. Back in Cairo, some friends teased me and asked what I believe can be gained by traveling.

"Just be who you are. Depends on how wide your eyes can see, how deep your heart can feel."

The video is here.

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