
Hello, Kiev


I was in Kiev, Ukraine when Lil sent me messages from Stockholm, informing me that we're gonna meet at Arlanda Airport before we're flying to Amsterdam the next day. 

"Hey, Lil and Dinie are gonna meet up with you at the airport - let's say around noon? You're already back in Stockholm by that time, right?"

I took my travel journal and looked into my flight schedules that I had written down before.

"Yeap. Gonna meet you later. Can't wait. I'm in Kiev now, gonna fly out to the UK first thing in the morning and then to Stockholm." I replied.

Lil replied with two thumbs up and a flying kiss.

Satisfied, I went on with the activity of the day : strolling around Kiev city. I was actually in Kiev because I wanted to go to Chernobyl but for some reasons, I had very limited time and I didn't get to experience the ghost town of Pripyat.

Never mind. There is still the next time.

I was intrigued to explore Kiev when I first arrived at the city. The city is magnificently beautiful, the locals was very nice and proud. Kiev or Kyiv is an important industrial, scientific, educational and cultural centre of Eastern Europe. It is home to many high-technology industries, higher education institutions and also has world-famous cultural landmarks.

As a personal self-satisfaction, I gave myself a present of exploring Kiev city. Before I came here, I read all about Kiev and the history. Ukraine has always been a fascinating dream of mine, it was really like a dream when I was on the plane from Berlin Tegel Airport, Germany heading to Borypsil Airport.

The weather was pleasant, not so cold yet I still felt warm inside. I was only in Kiev for two days as I was on a tight schedule to catch my flight back to London.

Kiev is known to be the green city as the city has two botanical gardens and numerous parks. The city also offers The Museum of The History of Ukraine in World War II to the visitors, revealing history of military overlooking the Dnieper river.

The Independence Square and Khreschatyk Street were located at the heart of the city, locals even said that the place becomes a large outdoor party place at night during summer months for the people of Kiev because there are lots of restaurants, clubs and bars nearby. 

I sent a Whatsapp message to Sofe (who was in London that time), asking her to meet me in Stansted later as soon as I arrived in Heathrow Airport the next day. 

"I am currently in Heathrow, will be heading to Stansted later. Care to meet me later?"

The message was seen but no replies until I was in Stansted later that night.

"Sorry, the Internet was kinda wacky. We're already here, just sat around by Burger King. Come and join us, babe."


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