
Fuego Sushi Restaurant, Maadi


"It's beautiful here, Nash!"

I looked around, admiring the interior design of the famous restaurant. Uja and Sofe has been pestering me to bring them to Maadi to go for sushi. There's another branch of Fuego in Zamalek but I got to say, the one in Maadi is way more better and bigger.

Sorry Fuego Zamalek, your space was so crammed.

We took a metro from Ramses to Maadi, only costs us one pound each. Then, Uja called an Uber to pick us up near the Maadi Station and we went to Bandar Mall to get some stuff done and finally, we went to Fuego Restaurant to eat sushi.

Yeap, my friends were crazy like that. They were willing to went through almost 100 kilometres from Zagaziq to Cairo just to eat at Fuego.

"Nash, I thought there's only one branch here in Cairo?" Sofe asked as she walked up to the corner table. Wearing a don't-mess-with-me look, pairing with a wayfarer and red sweater and skinny dark blue jeans, she's carrying a sense of arrogance in her even though she is one of the nicest people that I know.

"Lose the shade, babe. People were looking at you."

Sofe shrugged her shoulder, looking right in the eye of other people that were whispering while looking weirdly at us. 

"Like I give a damn."

Okay, she's in a mood today.

The waiters looked skeptical - a lot of people in Cairo do as Uja started to speak rapidly, her pitch peaking on her last word of sentences, while wearing her huge smile.

"I can't wait to order."

One young, tall waiter approached us later, asking us if we were ready to order. I asked him to come back later because I need to jot down my orders first.

Yes, I wrote every single sushi that we wanted on the freaking tissue. I even got another tissue to wrote on because we were obviously crazy to order more.

"Do you guys think we should do take-away?"

Sofe and I immediately faced Uja like she was a weird crazy lady. 

"I wrote our orders on two freaking tissues, babe. The front, in the middle and the back. Do you know how many sushi that would be?"

Sofe giggled in delight. "Our orders were enormous, Kak Uja. Trust me, you wouldn't have any room to eat later at night."

Uja sighed in silent. "Whatever, guys."

Our orders came, and oh boy, there were a lot.

True to Sofe's words, we didn't even finish the sushi. There were a lot, and I can't be the only one to eat while Uja and Sofe were slouching on the chair because they were already full. 

I kept eating because it was Fuego's policy to forbid take-away if you were eating on the eat-all-you-can offer. 

Half an hour later, I gave up.

"We definitely need to come again, but with empty stomach. We can't let disappoint ourselves again."

Sofe and I looked at each other before we burst in laughter.

"Whatever you say, babe."

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