
Aurora Borealis Mission


"Sofe wanted to go to Iceland and the UK too, Nash. But the airfare is really expensive!"

"I know. How about we go to Norway and Sweden?"

And that very conversation sparked her interest of going from Stockholm all the way to Tromso. It was our primary mission to chase the infamous Northern Lights in Iceland with half a year planning. I was in Iceland (Rejkjavik, Vik and Hofn) few years back in the middle of dead winter, camped out of the cabin to sip a piping hot chocolate and record/capture the Northern Lights.

But few days ago, the plan was cancelled due to various reasons. So I told Sofe of my road trip tale back in 2011 in Sweden and Norway. I had rented a car from a friend and together, we drove all the way from Germany to Stockholm.

It was an incredible three weeks journey.

"So you wanna start from Stockholm?"

I nodded. "It's cheaper to go to Stockholm from Cairo. Plus, we can ride Arctic Circle train from Kiruna all the way to Narvik. At least, that what I did the last time."

Remembering the first time I executed the plan, it was on an early March. As I sat in the boarding area to board my flight to Berlin, I was thinking of the chaos that I went through earlier in Cairo. It wasn't the most pleasant experience but it surely will be the most memorable one.

I sat there, feeling the urge to see the world again, a few days after coming home. And then it hit me : All the travel I've done has been to places that I've already been, or new places that felt similar to home. Food trucks feel the same in Kuala Lumpur and New York as in Chicago and Paris. The breathtaking scenery varied in each different places that I've been. But for the most part, I kept flying only to land in places that felt close to home.

When a close friend in Berlin asked me to join on Arctic Circle adventure, I knew I just had to go. When I booked the flight, I just wanted to kick it with S and P on our road trip.

"Are you sure you wanted to go again? It's okay if you decline. I understand."

"Are you freaking kidding me? That was one of the best adventure I ever had. Of course I would want a repeat." I answered, a little enthusiastic.

Sofe laughed out loud, nodding as she went through my travel journal. I booked our accommodation in Abisko Turistation, along with train tickets from Kiruna all the way to Narvik.

"How about from Narvik to Tromso, Nash?"

"I rode a bus at that time. So, bus?"

"I can hardly wait, Nash."

And we laughed together.

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