
Across Turkey Part Three

Ankara to Erzurum (on the train) If you have time (allow at least 32 hours), the cheapest way to reach Erzurum from Istanbul or Ankara is by train. Turkish State Railways (TCDD) is generally slow but a train journey will allow you to see a lot of the country and to meet the locals. Pullman seats are the cheapest, a bed in a...

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Across Turkey Part Two

Istanbul-Ankara. I woke up after a few hours of sleep, watching across the balcony as the sky was still in the blanket of darkness. It was around four am and our bus to Ankara will leave Istanbul exactly on eight am. Words of the wise : Don't underestimate their public transportation system schedule. It happened to a friend of mine and he reaped...

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Across Turkey Part One

Hello. It's been almost a month since we celebrated New Year. It's already 2015, fellas. Can't believe time flies so fast.  AND THIS IS MY NEW BLOG. I don't even have a slightest idea how I can't even open my old blog, as I logged into the same account as I did back then. But whatever it was, I will surely try to...

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